Since the beginnings, WhiteDate had been targeted by non-whites signing up simply to disturb the building of a good reputation of this new site. We are aware that trust will make this site succeed or fail. Therefore, we now offer our members the possibility to get their ID verified proving that they are truly white.
How to get verified?
There are two possibilities:
1) Look us up on Telegram ( to send us a selfie video. For this click briefly on the microphone that will change to a camera. Now you are in video mode. Make sure your camera is switched on to capture your face. Click and HOLD the camera icon, look into the camera, show us some kind of ID, and pronounce the email address you signed up with on WhiteDate. Once you release the icon the video will be sent. If you are not happy with the result you can delete the video and record another one. Patience, it could take up to 24h to get your profile approved. Once you are approved, you can delete the video on Telegram, but we will keep a screenshot for our records.
2) Send a selfie directly to Liv – lh [at] – holding either your ID, passport or driver’s licence in your hand and in a way that we can compare your face to the photo on the ID. As there are hundreds of images on the Internet with people holding their IDs we need you to add your email address you use on WhiteDate on a (sticking) paper to one side or corner of your ID without covering the important data.

Try not to hide your face with your ID card (difficult to find a good example photo). Zooming into the photo, we need to be able to read the text on the ID. Don’t forget to add a (sticking) paper with the email address you use on WhiteDate to one side or corner of your ID.
Once we have verified your photo we will add the ‘ID Verified’ marker
.to your profile.
What happens with the data?
We will delete the email or message with your data. All data that we had kept previously has been deleted.
Do you cooperate with the FBI, CIA, Mossad etc. to hand them over our data?
If we would, we would not be banned for advertisement on Facebook, Twitter, Googe, and Reddit, our YouTube, Google and Instagram accounts deleted, and we certainly would not be building this site with a low budget using our personal funds only. Now and then there are trolls on social media who present us as a ‘honeypot’ designed to fetch data. You best follow your intuition reading articles written by established pro-white magazines or by Liv, the founder of WhiteDate, herself: www.WhiteDate.NET/Press/
Can you guarantee that the presented ID cards are real?
No we cannot. There is the possibility to get fake ID cards online. Nevertheless, it requires a special effort, some financial investment and real criminal energy. In case a member finds out in real life about the fake identity of another member he or she should report the fraud.
Whilst talking about fraud, always respect our safe dating guidelines presented HERE and HERE. Better safe than sorry.