Seth Apex

Active 10 months, 2 weeks ago
    • Base
      Pseudonym (displayed)

      Seth Apex



      I am / We are

      Aspiring Hetero Parents

      Looking for a

      Child to Adopt

      Marital status

      In Relationship

      Children ( I/We ...)

      Do not have children (yet)

      My / Our Ancestry is

      100% Europid


      United States



      Education Level

      Bachelor Degree


      $/€ 60-80k

      About me/us (Minimum 50 Characters)

      Born to parents of Hungarian, English, Irish, Italian, and German descent, I have been working to build a foundation for a pro-white family since I was in college, when I began to understand the reality of White Genocide and the JQ. I remained convinced that this could be done through AnarchoCapitalist means until someone pointed out to me that the nature of women requites a State, at which point a switch flipped in my head and I went Fash. Getting fit, learning MMA, joining and later leaving Patriot Front due to personal time commitments. A couple years later I lost my Job due to refusal to take the Jab, but I found a better one with higher pay. Shortly thereafter I found the woman who would become my wife, though she lived 1.5 hours away at the time. Eventually I decided to Propose and we are now engaged and will be finally married later this year. Due to our personal health struggles, it may be difficult for us to have biological children of our own, though we have yet to try and we would certainly appreciate being considered to adopt a white child who needs the Love and Support of a Pro-White Family. We intend to raise any children we are blessed to have without easy access to screens (except the occasional family movie night) and plenty of playtime outside, and when they are old enough to be educated we intend to homeschool, as I and she both have bachelor’s degrees, in chemistry and Art respectively, and therefore should have the ability to pass on up to a secondary education with ease. When the time for tertiary education comes, we expect some of our sons to go to the priesthood, most to go into trades, and one or two to attend university if they show significant academic promise. We hope to marry of our daughters to good men while they are young enough to get a fair head start on their own pro-white families. We do not have a limit on the number of children we hope to raise, and subscribe to a Catholic version of the quiverfull philosophy. And we hope to eventually homestead to provide for a large family and play a key role in a local white community, possibly working with other white families to foster a new folk-spirit that will, someday, lead to Total Aryan Victory for our people over the Kike Menace and the hoarde enthralled to them.


    Your privacy is important to us and we will never rent or sell your information.



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