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- My / Our Ancestry is
100% Europid
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United States
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- About me/us (Minimum 50 Characters)
I’ve been racially aware since I was 4 years old. It’s kind of a funny story that my Dad and I experienced in a public swimming pool. More about that later…
I’ve been raising my daughter and son in a White Wellbeing household since 2017. I supplementally home educate them, meaning that they go to a private religious school, but I correct the errors of the curriculum and redirect them to our truth. I reject all forms of perpetual guilting of White children due to historical events that may or may not have occurred. They know who they are and who their ancestors are. They know that biological White erasure is prevalent in entertainment, which they point out to me in lamentations.
My kids want a sibling so badly. I long for a White baby via in vitro or surrogacy of existing frozen embryos.
Aryan children shall thrive in my household and community. Aryan morality prevails in all that I do with my children.