We have counted more babies but not all parents send us photos to publish. However, a second baby photo has reached us. Congratulations to the anonymous couple that gave life to this strong boy who already seems to look at this word with inquisitiveness. Your are right, my dear, there is a lot to be understood and to be done.
His parents have received 250 British Pounds donated by an anonymous British supporter of White-Wellbeing.

WhiteDate Baby Nr 2 : A White Boy!
I am deliriously happy to announce the birth of our first WhiteDate BABY! Hopefully, there will be many more to come. We are waiting for the parents to get back to us to receive a 250,- British Pound donation (approx. 300,- US Dollars) for this first child generously offered by an anonymous supporter in the UK.

WhiteDate-Baby Nr. 1 – She’s a Lady.